With only five percent of the world population, the United States produces nearly 25 percent of annual global heat-trapping emissions. Electricity generation accounts for fully one-third of these emissions. We have a responsibility and a compelling interest to significantly reduce these harmful emissions. Renewable electricity standards offer a smart, affordable climate solution with a proven track record.
Placing planet Earth on a strict diet—100 percent renewable energy—can be done by 2050, without the need for radically new technology, contends Stanford University Professor Mark Z. Jacobson.
The path to a world powered by wind, water and sunlight is, in fact, decidedly low tech, Jacobson says. Storing heat in underground rocks. Making mounds of ice at night, when electricity is cheaper, and melting it for air conditioning during the day. Building wind turbines on and offshore.
But Jacobson’s team in Stanford’s Atmosphere/Energy program is moving far beyond this simple vision of a clean power world. His research group uses sophisticated modeling to develop tailored energy plans that would allow a smooth transition to renewables in all 50 U.S. states, as well as 139 countries, by 2050. He helped co-found a non-profit, “The Solutions Project,” that disseminates these plans and educates the public and policy makers about them.
On a break during a recent visit to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Jacobson described his initiative.
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