
why wind and solar system is your best option?

Wind and solar are complementary in nature. When the wind is not blowing, the sun is often shining during the day. But really you have to match peaks in demand. The way to do that is to use low-cost electricity, heat storage and cold storage. Electricity storage includes concentrated solar power storage, pumped hydroelectric power and existing hydroelectric power. Heat/cold storage includes hot and cold water, ice and underground rock. In addition, some energy is stored in hydrogen for use in transportation. Finally, we combine these features with demand-response management.

Because they’re the only two forms of energy that theoretically can supply the entire world for all purposes, many times over. We can use geothermal, hydro, tidal wave. Geothermal would be in more limited locations, but it’s a good resource. Hydro (electric) is not going to grow. There’s opposition to it; we wouldn’t add any new hydropower dams, just increase the efficiency of the existing ones. Tidal wave is more expensive, so there’s probably lesser penetration. Also it’s a limited resource.

Under our suggestion, if the wind resource is very very good, the performance is excellent, if the sunshine is good , the solar panel performance will be perfect. If the area with plenty of wind and sunshine, we must make good use of them.Is it the good idea?
Any problem of the wind solar system, please contact Rachel from sunningewind anytime.
The contact is 86-13632101027, SKYPE rachel66907

